Tuesday, September 11, 2007

The Bike Rack Cyclocross Team has moved

We've got a new site up with a forum, email subscriptions, and a few other goodies. Come check it out at http://www.bikerackcyclocross.com

Monday, July 30, 2007


The season's still a ways off, but now is the time to start getting ready. We've done a few informal practices so far, but are interested in hearing your input.

Past practices have included skills clinics, race-style laps, trail rides and even the occasional run. What types of events would you be interested in attending? When are you usually available? Would you be interested in leading a practice? Use the comment function and let us know, we'll do our best to accomodate everyone.


Hi All,

Welcome to the Bike Rack Cyclocross Team's home on the internet. We are a group of cyclists of all backgrounds and experience levels who are interested in the sport of cyclocross. Most of us live and race in the Washington, D.C. area.

The Bike Rack is a full service independent bicycle dealer located in the Logan Circle area of Washington, DC. Some of us work there, lots of us shop there, and their owners Chuck Harney and Wayne Lerch have awesomely agreed to sponsor our team. We might even get them to come out and race.

Cyclocross is a form of offroad bike racing. Typically held in the fall and winter months, 'cross races usually include challenging terrain that requires you to dismount, carry and remount your bike. Muddy conditions, off-camber turns, and frigid temperatures are par for the course.

Simply put it's the most challenging, friendly and fun way to get into bike racing.

We'll be holding practices as the season approaches, so if you're interested please come give it a go. Never raced a bike before? Don't have a cross bike? Out of shape? Doesn't matter! We're doing this for fun, cyclocross is far too important to be taken seriously.
